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Blanket Flower (Gaillardia aristata)

Blanket Flower (Gaillardia aristata)

This perennial wildflower has large, daisy-like blooms and a tap root making it drought tolerant and carefree. It is well-suited to xeriscaping. This Blanketflower has big, long-lasting blooms which grow up to 4 inches across. The bi-colored flowers include orange, red, and yellow, and they bloom from early summer to fall if spent blooms are deadheaded. Gaillardias will tolerate a little crowding, but they perform best with ample space. This perennial wild flower will bloom the second year and every year after the initial planting. It grows in all regions of North America and will bloom during summer and fall. The may be planted in spring, summer, or fall as long as there is moisture to allow Blanket Flower wildflower seed to germinate.


Zone: 3 to 8 

Height: 2.00 to 3.00 feet 

Spread: 1.00 to 2.00 feet 

Bloom Time: May to September 

Sun: Full sun  

Water: Dry to medium 

Maintenance: Low 

Tolerate: Drought, dry soil 


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